Arc Partner Dr Róisín O’Shea was invited on the 17th of February to present on the ‘Irish Mediation Act 2017’ at an event hosted by the ADR Institute of Alberta Canada and the Foundation of Administrative Justice. The event was recorded and can be accessed through this link
Dr Roisin O’Shea, Partner in Arc Mediation, has been selected as a Judge for the 17th ICC International Commercial Mediation Competition. Students from Universities and Colleges all over the world will compete on 48 teams, their performance being evaluated by some of the world’s leading Dispute Resolution specialists who participate […]
ARC Partner selected as a judge of international mediation competition

Mediators from ARC Mediation, along with other mediators, HR experts and legal professionals from around Ireland, have set up the Irish Professional Mediators Organisation. The IPMO is a new membership body to represent and promote the interests of professional mediators in Ireland. It is an initiative that ARC Mediation is […]
ARC Mediators help found the IPMO
Bloomsbury Professional has received a resounding vote of approval from two reviewers, Elizabeth Robson MA and Philip Taylor MBE, on the recently published UK and Ireland book on family mediation. Chapter 4 ‘Family Mediation: The Irish Perspective’ was co-authored by ARC Mediation Partner Dr Roisin O’Shea and WIT law lecturer […]
Fantastic Review of ‘Family Mediation; Contemporary Issues’

ARC Mediators have contributed to a new book on Family Mediation. ‘Family Mediation: Contemporary issues’, published by Bloomsbury Professional on May 18th 2020, provides a contemporary account of current practice developments and research concerning family mediation in Ireland and the UK. Chapter 4, ‘Family mediation: the Irish perspective’ has been co-authored by […]
New Book on Family Mediation
By Dr Roisin O’Shea, 13 May 2020 For the first time, Irish divorces were granted online last week, breaking new ground in terms of Irish legal history. As reported by Shane Phelan, Legal Affairs Editor for the Irish Independent (May 9th), three divorces were granted where everything had been agreed […]